“The Company that Breaks Cost Barriers to Avail World-Class Training, Coaching and Mentorship to  African leaders at Affordable Price”

Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy (EMEAE) Online

Transform Your Life. Attain Meaningful Goals. Impact Community.

What Results Do You Want But Keep Avoiding Because You Lack Money?

Could Those Results Be Like …..

When People Don’t Know How to Get What They Want …..

You Are Different From the Vast Majority Because …..


What Can Happen If Your Hunger for Success Meets with the Wisdom that Ordinary People Like You Applied to Build America into the Greatest Economy?

What Can Happen If You Master the Wisdom of 500 Self-Made American Millionaires who Powered the 20th Century Growth of the USA?

Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy (EMEAE) Online

Gives You The Opportunity of Training, Coaching & Mentorship

 By Leadbird Leadership Development Services (LLEADS) Group Ltd

Benefit from our Leadership Development Methodology designed to break the biggest barriers to African leaders. Our Program will impact your life; equip you to gain power and influence; and inspire you to transform your community.


How do your deep personal aspirations relate to the desires of many African leaders we encounter as listed below …..


Enroll NOW in One of the EMEAE ONLINE Classes Below

And Instantly Start to Experience Life Transformation

 In the Comfort of Your Family, Home or Workplace.

Class Start Date End Date
Class 4 of 2023
Class 1 of 2024
Class 2 of 2023
Class 3 of 2024

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

In 2018, we published our leadership experience in the book Fireproof Contributor: Quick, Simple and Proven Ways to Succeed at Work, Multiply Your Income in a Short Time. The book was a result of 2 decades of studying curricula and competence frameworks of topmost Leadership Development Programs (LDPs) globally. The book contextualized the learning to the African reality. The EMEAE curriculum is flavored with concepts from the book.


How Do we Know EMEAE Works?

We Used Its Content to Turn Around Our Own Lives.

It has Produced Astonishing Results and Improved Lives of Other People we’ve Worked With.


Amazing Things Happen When People Awaken to Their Potential.

They Realize They Can CHOOSE How to Live Their Lives.

They Realize They Can CHANGE Their Life Experience for Better.

EMEAE Online was Developed to Give You Those Feelings of Limitless Possibility.

If You Desire to Lead, Teach, Train, Coach or Mentor People,

EMEAE Helps You Succeed in Doing So.

The principles taught in EMEAE are applicable to: –

1.People seeking to clarify their personal destiny, purpose, vision and goals

2.People desiring to enhance leadership of their businesses, organizations or ministries

3.Employees playing leadership roles in government, private sector, civil society and other levels

4.People playing societal leadership roles at different levels in communities

5.Leaders of Youth enterprise groups, Women enterprise groups, SACCOs, VSLAs, etc.

Now It’s Your Turn…

Enroll and Experience these Powerful Resources of EMEAE Online 

  • Modules and Sessions loaded with rich content
  • User-friendly virtual learning environment engineered by World-Class subject matter experts, learning designers, programmers and graphic designers
  • World-Class technique, tools and resources
  • New learning materials in form of Modules and Sessions scheduled for each of the 16 weeks
  • Asynchronous learning enabling you to study on your own, in your own environment, at your own pace
  • Weekly due dates for activities to avoid overload
  • Participation in 5 Mastermind Business Engagements
  • Participation in Monthly Business Forum
  • Help to create your Personal Development Plan

Signup Today as our Newest Participant.

Get Instant Access to Your Learning Resources.

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Post-Program Coaching and Mentorship Workshops, Seminars, Summits, Webinars and Conferences

MENTORSHIP: Video endorsement by LLEADS Group on your lleadsgroup.com page. Monthly “LLEADS Group Mentorship” with LLEADS Group for 1 year. Personal invitations to special events of LLEADS Group in your area.

BUSINESS BUILDING: Access to audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars on business building in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

BRAND DEVELOPMENT: Rich and diverse treasure of brand development audios, books, e-books, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

MARKETING: Marketing books, e-books, audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

SALES MASTERY: Audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars, books and e-books in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group on sales psychology, closing the sale, copy, online sales platform, digital word-of-mouth and habit-forming products.

BUSINESS ALLIANCES: Partnership and alliance building audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars, books and e-books in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

SPEAKING-AS-A-BUSINESS: Access to audios, books, e-books, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars in the Support Portal of LLEADS Group on speaking as a business.

BUSINESS COACHING: Treasure trove business coaching books, e-books, audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Access to leadership development library, audios, videos, templates, podcasts, webinars on business building in the Enterprise Support Portal of LLEADS Group.

Upon successful completion of EMEAE, you will receive a high-quality Certificate of Competence on vellum paper from LLEADS Group bearing the company’s official seal.

Earning a Certificate of Competence requires that you achieve a minimum score of 70%.

Transformational Community Impact

Leadbird Leadership Development Services (LLEADS) Group Ltd

Holds Graduation Ceremonies to Commission Successful EMEAE Participants and issue Certificates of Competence and other LLEADS Group Awards.

What People Say About TLP…

John, 2018 Class

Kampala, Uganda

This has paid me off in many unprecedented ways. It has helped me even beyond my mainstream technical training.

Shamie, 2020 Class

Kampala, Uganda

It has insured me against the common challenge of scarce employment by broadening areas in which I can work.

Jordan, 2022 Class

Kampala, Uganda

Skills from EMEAE are the biggest resource that excites all my employers. They have yielded mutual benefit for them and I.

Your Testimony

Steve, 2023 Class

Kampala, Uganda

It was fantastic; a great experience; very educative; the content was world-class; what I couldn't have afforded.

Your Testimony

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Begin Studying With Us Today, & Take Your

Career & Life To The Next Level Within Weeks!

EMEAE  Online Will Transform Your Life and Lives of People Around You.

In addition to personal and business benefits, this Program is like having the whole LLEADS Group Faculty as your personal coaches, because of access to program materials anytime, anywhere.

Our Program helps you avoid the frustration, confusion and overwhelm from conflicting theories and information out there.

Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy (EMEAE) is Different!

Leadership Programs Delivered at This Level Cost Participants Up To

US$ 20,000

Comprising Cost Barriers that Eliminate Over 98% of African Leaders from World-class Programs

LLEADS Group Approaches World-class Leadership Development Differently by

Eliminating these Traditional Cost Barriers

We Lower Training Fee to

US$ 299 

And Our Partners Further Lower it for Our African Participants to

US$ 99

Making it Super Simple to Attend EMEAE Online

Limited Time Offer!

Enter Your Details Below to Lock in Your Special Pricing and to Get Started…

Bonus Sessions 20230422

We Guarantee Change in your Leadership Capacity … When You Enroll in Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy Online Today!


We will help you start to create and execute your Personal Development Plan – within weeks of enrolling on EMEAE Online.

The video lectures, discussions, assignments are interesting and easy-to-follow and the weekly quizzes are passable. The material is designed to be immediately applicable to your life.

That’s why we are happy to offer it to you with a 100% risk-free guarantee.

If you’re dissatisfied with your enrollment on EMEAE, we will refund the fees paid if you notify us within 2 weeks following the program start date. Refund of fees sponsored by Government, Companies, Organizations or other funders can only be initiated by the sponsoring entity.

Your investment of US$ 99 gives you instant access to:

  • Curriculum-based training informed by 20 years of research.
  • Benchmarked on world-class training, coaching and mentorship programs. 
  • Over 50 hours of easy-to-follow video Lectures on becoming a transformational leader.
  • LLEADS Group Methodology to enhance your leadership development.
  • Access to LLEADS Group Community and support system.
  • Life-changing Transformation with our EMEAE curriculum.
  • LLEADS Group Certificate of Competence upon completion with 70% score.
  • Personal and Business benefits from associating with the LLEADS Group network.

We are committed to making Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy (EMEAE) affordable, because our vision is to developFinancially Secure Leaders Sustainably Transforming African Society

That’s why we offer World-class Quality at Discounted Pricing.

Sign Up Now To Let Us Know You’ll Be Joining One Of Our

Entrepreneurial Mindset to the Emerging Africa Economy Classes!

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.