“The Company that Breaks Cost Barriers to Avail World-Class Training, Coaching and Mentorship to  African leaders at Affordable Price”

Globally Benchmarked Online Leadership Courses for the Emerging Africa Economy

Frontline Leadership Course for the Emerging Africa Economy

Course Aim

To maximize the success of frontline workers and equip them into Future-Ready leaders positively impacting the client or customer experience and overall organizational or business performance.

Target Group

Frontline service providers and emerging leaders in Government, Private Sector, Civil Society, Religious Institutions and Sole Proprietorships.


  • Online-enabled mobile learning at trainees convenient time and location
  • Standardized weekly video lectures, group discussions, assignments and quizzes
  • 8 Modules lasting 8 weeks with 70% minimum score to get the LLEADS Group Frontline Leaders Certificate
  • Frontline Leader’s Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) as a major learning outcome
  • Research-based content benchmarked with the 50 best leadership development programs globally
  • Alignment with frontline business performance drivers
  • Able to host 1,000 online learners at once
  • LLEADS Group Blog, YouTube Channel and Coaching

Training Fee (Promotional Season Only)

  • Fee per Individual Trainee: US$ 100 (UGX 360,000)
  • Negotiable when enrolling over 20 trainees at once
  • Commission on winning organization training deals
Class Start Date End Date
Class One
Class Two
Class Three
Class Four

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Team Leadership Course for the Emerging Africa Economy

Course Aim

To equip Future-Ready leaders that positively impact organizational and business performance by inspiring, guiding, developing and leading groups of employees.

Target Group

Experienced and first-time supervisors and leaders of frontline workers in Government, Private Sector, Civil Society, Religious Institutions and Sole Proprietorships.


  • Flexible Online learning at trainees convenience
  • Weekly video lectures, discussions, assignments and quizzes
  • 8 Modules lasting 8 weeks with 70% score required to get the LLEADS Group Team Leaders Certificate
  • Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) to enable Team leaders build their leadership brand
  • Research-based content benchmarked with the best team leadership programs globally
  • Alignment with team leadership best practices
  • Capacity to host 1,000 team leadership trainees
  • Interaction across organizations and cultures
  • LLEADS Group Blog, YouTube Channel and Coaching

Training Fee (Promotional Season Only)

  • Fee per Individual Trainee: US$ 150 (UGX 540,000)
  • Negotiable when enrolling over 20 trainees at once
  • Commission on winning organization training deals
Class Start Date End Date
Class One
Class Two
Class Three

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Business Unit Leadership Course for the Emerging Africa Economy

Course Aim

To maximize impact of SBU leaders on value creation, cost, revenue, profitability and accountability through best practices in planning, organizing, directing and controlling in line with set targets.

Target Group

Experienced and newly appointed managers leading in the middle zone of their organizations and those overseeing junior managers and senior professionals.


  • Mobile Online learning at trainees convenience
  • Video lectures, case studies, assignments and quizzes
  • 8 Modules lasting 8 weeks with 70% score required to get the LLEADS Business Unit Leaders Certificate
  • Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP)
  • Research-based content benchmarked with the best strategic business unit leadership programs globally
  • Content alignment with emerging evidence about strategic business unit performance
  • Experienced faculty in strategic thinking, business management and talent development
  • Interaction with leaders from diverse backgrounds
  • LLEADS Group Blog, YouTube Channel and Coaching

Training Fee (Promotional Season Only)

  • Fee per Individual Trainee: US$ 250 (UGX 900,000)
  • Negotiable when enrolling over 10 trainees at once
  • Commission on winning organization training deals
Class Start Date End Date
Class One
Class Two
Class Three

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Executive Leadership Course for the Emerging Africa Economy

Course Aim

To equip CEOs and other executive leaders to realize targets, goals, mission and vision through strategy, structures, systems, skills and style that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, profitability and sustainability.

Target Group

Experienced and newly appointed CEOs, other C-Suite leaders and leaders of large functional divisions.


  • Online learning blended with executive coaching
  • Video lectures, discussions, assignments and quizzes
  • 6 Modules lasting 6 weeks with 70% minimum score to get the LLEADS Group Executive Leaders Certificate
  • Learning through LLEADS Group Business Simulation
  • Research-based content benchmarked with the best leadership development programs globally
  • Content alignment with business KPIs
  • Inbuilt personality assessment tests
  • Personalized Executive Coaching session
  • Masterminding opportunity with fellow C-Suite executive leaders
  • LLEADS Group Blog, YouTube Channel and Coaching

Training Fee (Promotional Season Only)

  • Fee per Individual Trainee: US$ 400 (UGX 1,440,000)
  • Negotiable when enrolling over 10 trainees at once
  • Commission on winning organization training deals
Class Start Date End Date
Class One
Class Two

Ready to Transform your Life?

Or to connect with a LLEADS Group Advisor call +256-755-777-100.

Other Courses for the Emerging Africa Economy

Other Courses 20231214